Where art and science merge to transform the elements into Elemons. But that's not all...parkour and literacy are thrown into the mix. How? An announcement will be sent to all entrants registered here including details of prizes for students and schools!
This campaign invites students to participate in showing us how they want science to 'look'. This is a tall order so we begin the adventure by focusing on the building blocks of the universe; the elements.
All participants will receive a specific element to explore and transform. We are looking for students who can personify the elements of the periodic table into characters that reflect their physical and/or chemical properties. Students can be guided but should be allowed to explore their own learning path using their initiative and imagination. The winning entry will see their creature transformed into a character as one of our Elemons. The winning entry's school will receive hundreds of pounds worth of STEM games.
Here is an example of a transformed element from sketch to full character form by our illustrator.
The Royal Society of Chemistry* has a comprehensive and interactive site to explore the elements of the periodic table should you choose to use this as a resource. Here is the link to their periodic table.
Other reliable sources should be explored too.
We are looking for students who can transform the elements of the periodic table into characters that reflect their physical and/or chemical properties. Students can be guided but should be allowed to explore their own learning path using their initiative and imagination.
Students; you can showcase your work using various tools including but not limited to Minecraft, Lego, drawings, robotics, 3D sculptures and anything that captures your creative imagination.
Once you have created your masterpiece then you can upload and share through various social platforms. Just alert us where you have show-cased your work and we can use it to judge. Further information will be given in packs sent to the leading teacher or parent registered through this site.
This competition is open to schools and homeschoolers in the UK. Terms and Conditions will be sent to all participants.
Schools can register their details here with a lead teacher's/parent's name. Further instructions to submit will be given to entrants.
*Permission to use their site for this project does not constitute endorsement by the Royal Society of Chemistry of this project or of Elemons.